Thursday, May 29, 2014

Visualized Searching When Words Are Not Enough

Normally, when I perform Internet and database searches, words will suffice.  But, not today - only visualization will do!  My professional and systematic search process was in full swing; today, I wanted photos, videos, and audio.  Maya Angelou, world renown poet/author died this morning; and as I read articles commemorating her life, my subconscious wanted more - I wanted to see a timeline of her life in photos (from childhood innocence to adult professionalism and glamour).  I had an insatiable desire to see and hear all that I could - I wanted to hear that distinctive, deep throttled, intriguing voice of Maya Angelou.

So, I quickly "queried and surfed the web" until I found just the right websites that could quench my thirst for visualized data and information.  I found photographic pictures of Maya Angelou with presidents, first ladies, archbishop, actors/actresses/entertainers, talk show host, social activists - and all the bells and whistles (high fashion evening gowns, glitter, and noble hats)!  Oh, and also down-home expressions of simple human existence. That's the Maya I wanted to see; the full spectrum that reflected her awesome aura.  Maya's positive force within humanity shines through.  In her books and poems, she gives so much of herself . . . she's so real!

Because of her good heart, loving attitude, amazing intellect, mesmerizing orations, and free-flowing spirit, she has helped so many people around the world.  Of course, people who have met her and those who know her well (family and friends), have felt her spirit - with a touch, a hug, a handshake, a moment of intimate conversation and laughter.  But, there are those like myself, who only know her through her writings (books, poems and speeches), and stage/theater performances.  And, we too, have felt her inner spirit, as  our thoughts were transcended with her timeless words of hope, encouragement, and strength.

Having visual and audio expressions at this time allowed me to memorialize her life in a personal way.  I've provided a link to one of the websites that provided me with the information that I sought after so diligently.

Visualization is front and center, and today,
                                                                 it gave chocolate and "run for its money!"