Monday, November 25, 2013

International Relations at its Best

There are many naysayers in the world who would rather wage war at every opportunity rather than involve themselves with progressive discussion.  And then, there are those with high intelligence who choose to first use diplomacy to alleviate discrepancies and pertinent issues within sovereign countries.

U.S. President, Barack Obama, is a highly intelligent leader of a sovereign country who chooses diplomacy, and his decision to do so in times of turmoil will be one of his greatest legacies.  The United States of America, one of the most powerful nations in our world today, has the right leader at the helm to move our country forward - and in doing so, he aspires to bring other global leaders to the "table of discussion."  Progress is made when international leaders come together and converse, and make compromising decisions that are in the best common interest of all people.  President Obama's profound efforts are acknowledged.

I know that there are others that think as I do - there must be, and we are grateful to our president of these United States, that not so long ago were not so united.  As Americans, we sometimes choose to forget turbulent times of past decades and centuries while we glide into the arms of technological advancements that are prolific and ever-changing; and some Americans ignore the realization of other countries' blight, stagnation and under-development in the midst of this technology age that we cherish so much.  Well, I do not!  I choose to look at the world and all its imperfections, and when I see intense philosophical changes manifest into concrete, positive actions I think those involved should be commended in creating cohesiveness within our global communities - that's "international relations" at its best!

Thank you President Obama, for your reflective insight and global understanding of our world today, and your decision to take profound action.  Diplomacy with Iran is a good step forward in the right direction.  The ability to positively engage leaders of sovereign nations will result in monumental accomplishments.  How could it not?