Thursday, October 3, 2013


Effects of the U.S. Government Shutdown

Republicans are so head-strong on preventing all Americans the right to have adequate medical insurance, until they will refuse to do their jobs in an attempt to circumvent the “Affordable Care Act” – many uninsured Americans are in the process of signing-up right now for health insurance.  Without this health care law – which was certified by the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court of law in America – multitudes of Americans would be without hope of getting health insurance. 
It’s the 21st century in America, and still there are those who have no compassion for the less fortunate of our society.  The Republicans-at-large do not care about all of the people that inhabit this land known as America; they are only concerned about a select few.  Appalling!
As true Americans, we should remind the “Republicans” that this is a country “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”  And how do we remind them?  The next opportunity that you get to vote – VOTE THE REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS OUT OF OFFICE!!!
Statistics show that most Americans do not vote – if 90% of Americans vote to elect senators and congressmen (this includes congress-women) who will act on the best interest of the American people, then we would have a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”  Americans must take direct action for this to happen.  The next time you have the opportunity to vote – PLEASE DO SO!

Fundamental Needs are impacted

  • Government employees on furlough now live with the same worries of those who are unemployed; how long the government shutdown lasts will determine how well they are able to cope. [Living expenses still have to be paid; electric companies across the country will not provide electricity to your home, if you can’t paid your bills – using the excuse that you’re out of work doesn’t matter. Hundreds of thousands of government employees and their families are at risk.]
  • There is a lack of federal funding for state programs that assist those in need, such as WIC (Women, Infants and Children); basic needs, such as food.  This will affect those Americans, especially children, who are living at the poverty level of our society. [Millions are at risk.]
  • Food pantries that rely on government funds will no longer have supplies to feed the people who are already “down and out” – the unemployed, underemployed, the elderly, handicapped/disabled, those in dire need of support. [The masses of people that depend on support for nutrition/food will go hungry.]
  • Medical issues are interrupted: government funded clinical trials for illnesses such as cancer are not available; many cancer patients [including children] will have to wait on treatment. [Time is something they don’t have a lot of.]

U.S. Image around the world is at stake

  • Eyes of the world are watching America, and what they see is a dysfunctional government – democracy at its worse!  Why would other sovereign countries want to pattern their government after ours?  Chances are they don’t.  This scenario reflects flaws and drawbacks within America’s political system.  What does it say to the world when America is so engrossed in political rivalry that it (for whatever reason) cannot sustain itself or “pay its bills” (come October 17th and the debt-ceiling is not raised)?  Absolutely ridiculous!

Enjoy some chocolate, and contemplate on this message to you,
my fellow Americans.