Friday, July 18, 2014


Wars are caused by “man’s inhumanity to man” – 
tragedies, atrocities, death, famine.

All these things are manifestations of war; global wars, international wars, national wars, tribal wars, civil wars.

Can’t you see that –  
presidents, chancellors, prime ministers, emperors, kings and queens
of the world?

Everyone is so quick to blame another, but ALL have partaken in the travesties of war.  Nations and governments hide behind laws, rules and regulations, vengeance, assurances of retribution, promises of citizen protection, justifications of sovereignty.

These notorious or victorious (depending on who’s making the claim)
acts of power
just maintain the status quo.

The common man, the masses, must endure the actions of governments, nations, and those with powerful weapons,
as the everyday citizen is just trying to survive the onslaught of
injustices, violence, humanitarian abuses, and inequalities
coming their way.

Out of desperation and feelings of helplessness,
many global citizens (but, not all)
relinquish their “collective power” to those in control
and they too,
blame one for the actions of many;
and demand more bloodshed to ease their pain and loss;
no one really acknowledges the “game of war.”

Weapons are the largest commodity in the world,
invented, created and produced
 by governments to annihilate their enemies
and keep stockpiles for usage at another time;
and they’re sold or given to friends and foes alike
depending on the situation.
Weapons are sold in every corner and crevice of the world;
there are no lack of weapons.

Then, when weapons are used to
kill, maim, and destroy
by whomever – governments, foes, or independent rebels – there is
an astounding effect among global populations of people.

And, depending on whose side you’re on,
weapons are either necessary for protection,
a deterrence to crime and mayhem,
or necessary to obtain power and control.
But, either way, you justify it –
weapons are necessary.

However, when weapons do what they are created to do,
the powers that be, cry out in unison –
innocents have been killed, and
someone must pay for this indiscretion.
Everyone rallies around to point blame.
And, the cycle continues again, and again.

Can’t you see?

My only consolation during these times of massive grief
is prayer to comfort my soul, and
a little bit of chocolate to comfort my spirit.
My condolences to the people of the world.

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U.S. Weapons in the Israeli Arsenal