Thursday, January 26, 2017

I Stand with “Standing Rock”

Welcome to the New Year!
As we attempt to position ourselves on a path heading upward and outward within our world, the realities of what’s happening around us intersects our flow of energy – and we must improvise our travels of life. It is imperative that we become proactive, not just reactive. We must stand up for fundamental human values, for ourselves, as well as for our children who will become the leaders of tomorrow – for the interconnecting societies of the future.
The future is unknown to us all; however, by utilizing rational thought, we make predictions and hypotheses on current directions of events taking place in the political arena. We must take actions today to deal with the issues of today; there’s one particular issue.
The first Americans – those who inhabited the land of America before the Europeans (British, French, Spaniards, Irish, Scottish, Danes, Norwegians, et al) came, before the Africans came, before the Australians came, before the Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, et al) came, before the Pacific Islanders came, before the Russians came, before the Germans came – the Native Americans lived in this great country, and the numerous tribes were in harmony (most of the time). They lived off the land and the animals (especially the buffalo), which provided their shelter/homes, food, clothing, crafts and tools. Life was good!
Then, the first immigrants came – the Europeans; and they brought havoc and chaos and eventually, they conquered the Native Americans and took most of the land; treaties were signed and broken, laws were enacted to legalize the hostile takeover of the land / prime real estate. Indian Reservations were created for Native Americans, and some land allotted in regions such as, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Fast forward to today, 26 January 2017. Native Americans are demanding their rights as Americans, their rights as human beings, their rights as protectors of the environment – the rights to clean water (free of oil spills and oil by-product pollution), basic homeowners’ rights to protect their homes and their way of life. As human beings, don’t we all want this? Would you want an oil pipeline running through your backyard or on the street that you live on, knowing the potential for an oil-spill? Environmental damage caused by oil spills can be catastrophic – killing wildlife, contaminating the water resources, polluting the earth!
As an American society, we should respect human rights; therefore, for the sake of humanity, I stand with “Standing Rock”.

There are no chocolate morsels to compliment my thoughts for today – I abstain.

Current Events Reference: