Friday, December 4, 2015

The World is in Disarray!

.We (citizens of the world) have become inundated with killings and sorrow

Wars in Syria, Ukraine, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey and other places around the globe; 

Terrorism by ISIL/ISIS, Boko Haram, and other terrorist organizations in Syria, France, Iraq, Nigeria, Congo, Libya, etc.;

Millions of refugees in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East seeking safety from turmoil that surrounds them;

Mass killings/shootings in the United States of America, where guns are prevalent and omnipresent;

Murders of Black men in the USA by racist police and other Caucasians continues, reflecting systemic racism and injustices of years past and of today - re Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin . . . Emmett Till . . . and all others;

Palestine still fighting for statehood and humanitarian rights that are being denied by Israel's ruthless dictator;

Control for Jerusaleum escalates in Israel, with Israeli security forces in attack mode;

Greece continues its "austerity movement" amidst widespread protests and strikes by the people;

China's economy grows and expands beneath the mind-boggling smog, creating serious health issues, not to mention the negative aspects of global warming;

Sovereign countries are on the defense against the militarized terroristic quagmire that pursues relentlessly, and other dire situations.

We, the people of the world, must endure the trauma - emotional, as well as physical detriments that are caused by war and killings, and its after-effects. We must maintain some semblance of normalcy. For the sake of humanity, and all that it entails, we are compelled to create normality in our daily lives. Adults and children alike find ways to cope with disastrous events - to keep our sanity, we must continue to laugh, dream, play, comfort one another, and hope for a better world.

During this past Thanksgiving, I spent time with family and cherished those moments in time, for it is said, "tomorrow is not promised to us" - we only have today. I give thanks for all that I have, and consider each new day to be a blessing from God.  An old proverb expounds, "for those of us who are given much, much is expected in return" - among other things, I strive to enlighten those who are unaware of what's happening in our world today, and converse with those who are. I believe that when we discuss among ourselves the "status quo" and conditions of the human race, together we can uplift and elevate our consciousness and rise above the chaos.

Let's love one another while we can, for who knows what tomorrow may bring.

I enjoy chocolate with the realization that
its a small pleasure that calms my spirit in these tumultuous times!